Awareness Metaverse

Awareness Metaverse

Awareness Metaverse, its a brand (product/service) created by Martinho Costa, founder the "Awareness Labs".

Our work, its based in data and big data, data interactions, machine learning models and mos important work with OS system operative, to increase the metaverse experience.

For more informations, please contact us!

Best Regards,
Martinho Costa

Our Services

Data & Big Data

We work with data and big data and most important with data interactions to create a better IDprofile on VRE Virtual Reality Experience. 

Machine Learning

We work with data interactions, and machine learning models, to create a better OS Operative System on VRE Virtual Reality Experience.

Operative System

We work with operative system to create a better OS Operative System on VRE Virtual Reality Experience.

Contact Us

Awareness Metaverse



Eur-Lex: 2023-1230 + 2024-1689

Contact Us

For more informations, please contact us! |